Nick Fiore
From FSU World Affairs Program
Nick is a current member of WAP. He is currently debating majors, though at present it is International Affairs and Criminology. He is set to graduate in spring of '10.
MUN Experience
- High School: None
- College: FSU WAP 2006-
- NCSC 06: Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Argentina
- UPMUNC 06: DISEC, Botswana
- McMUN 07: International Organization on Migration, Russian Federation
- UCBMUNC 07: Commission on Narcotic Drugs, United Kingdom, Verbal Commendation (4th Place)
- WorldMUN 07: World Health Organization, China
- NCSC 07: International Atomic Energy Agency, Japan, Verbal Commendation (4th Place)
- SRMUN 07: GA Plenary, Turkey, Outstanding Delegate (1st Place)
Personal Life
Nick used to own his own business, Nick's Pressure Washing. He now works as a fiscal assistant in Finance and Administration for Florida State University. He says the word "Krunk" excessively, and is often refered to as "Magellan" due to his uncanny knowledge of Tallahassee and his seemingly unfailing ability to take a shortcut that leads through sketchy parts of town. He loves sport of all kinds and is known for getting his swerve on. Some also know him as "Bishop Don Nick Fiore Fresh".