From FSU World Affairs Program
This site is the lead-in to specific information related to conferences FSUWAP attends, with specific information about the years we have attended.
Staple Conferences
- NCSC National Collegiate Security Conferences
- UPMUNC University of Pennsylvania Model United Nations Conference
- MCMUN McGill University Model United Nations Conference
- UCBMUNC University of California Berkeley Model United Nations Conference
- ChoMUN University of Chicago Model United Nations Conference
- SRMUN Southern Regional Model United Nations Conference
- FCMUN Five College Model United Nations Conference (F)
Other Conferences
- WorldMUN Harvard University World Model United Nations Conference (C)
- VICS Virginia International Committee Simulation
(F) Founding School: FSU has attended every years since the conferences inception (C) Cost Based: FSU attended on a year to year basis according to each years fiscal constraints and ability of team members to pay