Committee Tactics

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This page will be for the discussion and publication of various committee tactics for WAP members to pass on to future generations. This is by no means going to be, nor intended to be, a comprehensive guide. Rather, it will serve as a reference, and a place where outgoing WAPpers can share their favorite tricks of the trade to pass on.


This section is for general tips on how to speak effectively, whether in front of a large group, in a specialized committee, or in crisis.

  • Early on, identify your own personal "ticks", your idiosyncrasies such as hand movements, repeated phrases, pacing, etc. Decide what is helpful to your general presentation, and what could probably be altered/done away with. Adjust accordingly.
  • Thanks to Christian Leiva for this one: Every time you get up to speak, repeat the same short phrase, such as "Thank you chair" or "Thank you honorable chair" or something to that extent. Say with the exact same intonation and the exact words each time, and you'll effectively "train" the committee to pipe up and pay attention when you're about to speak (of course, this only works if your first few speeches are exceptional, but hey, you're an FSU delegate, ALL your speeches are exceptional). Like Pavlov's dog, they'll start salivating just before you speak. 70% of the time, it works every time.


This section is to try to illuminate that horrifying chaos known as Unmoderated Caucus.

  • This one seems obvious, but learn names. We all laugh once in a while at the fact that MUN delegates frequently fail to seperate themselves from their countries (i.e. shouting "Hey! Botswana! in the hotel lobby), but it has a very positive effect when you refer to someone by their real name.
  • Many thanks to Geoffrey Bakker for this one: Bring gum. He apparently brought gum to his committee at Worlds in '05 in Edinburgh, and people were instantly friendlier with him. Amazing how effective a simple bribe can be.


This section will offer tips on how to effectively write, promote, and pass resolutions.

  • It may seem obvious, but familiarizing yourself with previous resolutions on your topic can make a world of difference. Specifically, pay attention to the scope of past resolutions and specific agency cited within them. This can give you a good framework for your resolution and also can provide you with the sometimes crucial knowledge of how your specific issue is handled by the international community.
  • Read opinion and academic articles regarding the subject. Often times such works can provide you with unique ideas and solutions to issues for a working paper or resolution.
  • Consult early on with countries regarding their policies and views and be sure to know your countries political allies in order to ensure that you have enough sponsors.
  • Although speed is a factor in resolution writing, the announcement of a unique and well thought out solution consistent with your countries policies may be what sways the committee to vote for your resolution so be prepared to put a bit of thought into it.


This is just for other good tactics in committee. (Note: By all means, create new categories as you see fit. These were just the few I could come up with).

  • I'm sure that many people have come up with this one, but C.J. Nelson was the first to tell me: Use your background guide (especially the opening letter) to discern your chair's (and co-chair's) major and nationality. Economics major? Take a supply/demand approach to preventing weapons proliferation. Born and raised in Bangalore, India? Don't try to pull any bullshit while debating the India/Pakistan situation. Remember, you could do fantastically well for 99% of the committee, but one time mispronouncing his or her hometown's name and they may just give that gavel to that pompous Gavel Hunter over there. Don't let that happen. Research everything.